将 windows server 的标准版本转换为数据中心版本

2024-6-9 21:16:48


  • Determine that Windows Server Standard is the current edition name by running the command below. The output is an abbreviated form of the edition name, for example Windows Server Standard edition is ServerStandard:

    通过运行下面的命令确定 windowsserver 标准是当前版本名称。输出是版本名称的缩写形式,例如 Windows Server Standard edition is ServerStandard:

    COPY 收到

    DISM /online /Get-CurrentEdition
  • Verify that Windows Server Datacenter is a valid option to convert to by running the following command:

    通过运行以下命令,验证 windowsserver 数据中心是否是可以转换为的有效选项:

    COPY 收到

    DISM /online /Get-TargetEditions
  • Enter ServerDatacenter and your retail product key in the command below:

    在下面的命令中输入 ServerDatacenter 和您的零售产品键:

    COPY 收到

    DISM /online /Set-Edition:ServerDatacenter /ProductKey:XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX /AcceptEula

